About Me
About Me: So you might be wondering what are you even doing on my website, and why should you be reading my blogs? Well, let me tell you. To be honest, I'm just here to tell my story, the story of a little boy who grew up loving science fiction, imagining himself living in the Star Wars Universe, dreaming of the limitless possibilities of AI and Robotics. I eventually grew up and studied Computer Science at the University of Texas, and now work as a software developer, so allow me to share this story with you guys. I hope that through my posts not only will I record my projects and ideas for future safekeeping, but also teach you, my readers, a few things as I further my knowledge in this field. I plan to write posts about my current side projects regarding AI and robotics, and maybe a few posts about my other passions such as fencing, fitness and music. I suppose maybe I should tell you guys a little bit about myself, I mean this is my blog after all. I was born and raised in Mex...